The American Feed Industry Association announces its feed-related events for the 2015 calendar year, with additional meetings to be scheduled. The events, which vary in topic, location and attendance maximums, will kick off Jan. 27-29, in Atlanta, Ga., with the International Production & Processing Expo, co-hosted by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association and the North American Meat Institute, and run through Nov. 5-7, in St. Petersburg, Fla., at AFIA’s Equipment Manufacturers Conference.
Also in 2015, AFIA will partner again with Kansas State University to host quarterly distance education programs as part of an on-site program developed in 1976 between the association and the university. The first of the four "AFIA 500: Fundamentals of Feed Manufacturing" courses is available for registration on AFIA’s website.
"Each event hosted by AFIA is uniquely designed for different sectors of the pet food and animal feed industry and provide networking and learning opportunities for its attendees," said Veronica Rovelli, AFIA director of meetings and events.
"AFIA strives to introduce new and stimulating speakers and topics to our event agendas and create new events such as phase II of our Food Safety Modernisation Act training courses," Rovelli continued.
In 2014, AFIA staff toured the U.S. introducing the first phase of seminars to inform the industry about FSMA implementation. The organisation will continue its trainings, starting with a session on "Food Safety Modernisation Act – Building a Foundation for Compliance" at IPPE before introducing phases II and III to the industry.