Cuban biotechnology seeks solutions to feeding productive animals that are compatible with the environment and human nutrition, Omelio Borroto, director of the Institute of Animal Science, explained Friday.
He said that using new varieties of bio-pastures, like CT 115, improve livestock productivity and offers the possibility of biomass banks (accumulated fodder) for use during droughts, andit is economical.
Its use implies rational use of rangeland to guarantee balanced animal nutrition without cutting sugarcane or grasses, but this requires good fencing.
So while this biotechnology adds to Cuba's tropical milking pattern, developed at 123 dairy schools, it cannot be massively extended without greater use of electrified fences.
Cuban officials assure that bio pastures help to improve soil quality, resist over-grazing, protect some bird species and increase retention of carbon dioxide, main trigger of global warming.
They are also rich in protein, provide shade and replace silos, foraging and hay stacks, traditional methods that demand high fuel consumption.