Feed Articles from Feed Ingredients

Tim Herrman Extension State Leader Grain Science and Industry Gerry Kuhl Extension Feedlot Specialist Animal Sciences and... More »
Definition of corn: Grain that consists of 50 percent or more of whole kernels of shelled dent corn and/or shelled flint corn (Zea mays L.) and not more than 10.0 percent of other grains... More »
Corn Grading Procedures: Part 2
Principles Governing the Application of Standards
Basis of determining Each determination of class, damaged kernels, heatdamaged kernels, waxy corn, flint corn, and flint and... Corn Grading Procedures: Part 2Corn Grading Procedures: Part 3
Test Weight per Bushel.
Test weight per bushel is the weight of the volume of grain that is required to fill a Winchester bushel (2,150.42 cubic inch) to capacity. Since... Corn Grading Procedures: Part 3Deadly Feed Additive Killing Donkeys
Jan 5th, 2005: by Amy McLean, Sowhatchet Mule Farm, Inc. Madison, GA
It has recently been approved by the FDA (the Food and Drug Administration), that ionophores (a subtheraputic... Deadly Feed Additive Killing Donkeys