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Animal feed testing firm heralds £4m buy-out

Published on 15 December, 2010, Last updated at 21:59 GMT

Cawood Scientific, the holding company of Sciantic Analytical Services, based in Cawood, has completed a £4 million management buy-out.

Sciantec Analytics was formed by the merger of Dalton-based Sciantec and NRM, which originates from the British Oil and Cake Mills operation in Selby in the 1900s.

The business carries out analytical testing on animal feed and health products.

Managing director Nigel Patrick said the deal, backed by NRM Private Equity, would enable the Cawood Scientific Group, which includes Berkshire-based Natural Resource Management, to expand its services. He said: “This is an exciting development for our customers and our 130 staff.

Peter Hodson, who managed the deal for NVM, said there were increasing opportunities for new contracts across Europe and services to niche markets. Baker Tilly Corporate Finance provided the financial advice to Cawood Scientific.


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